This Web Page contains Historical notes from the main
TACTC Web Site.
(9/6/2000): There are unconfirmed reports by neighbors of two accidents at the corner of Ashby and Benvenue within the last 8 days. The first was an injury accident at 11:33 a.m. on 8/30/2000. The second a non injury (but still with serious car damage) on 9/5/2000 at 1:38 p.m. Also of interest is the open letter posted to the Web last month by Jeff Knowles (thanks to Marty Barclay for pointing it out). Also of note, the staple in the block of Russell between College and Benvenue was put back in this morning. The bollard and $75 dollar fine sign is still sitting and being ignored on the NE corner of Benvenue and Russell. I'll post more on the traffic accidents and/or additional traffic related events if I hear about them.
A great deal of recent interest in Traffic issues has been generated by the College Avenue paving project. We have had numerous meetings recently stemming from issues related to this project. Some of the issues have been folding into our long term TACTC concerns. I haven't had time to write up notes from those meetings - though I would be happy to post notes if anybody else took any.
Now that the College Avenue paving project is complete the focus of attention is again on more generic traffic issues - e.g. see the notes from the 8-22-2000 traffic meeting (below). The Berkeley Daily Planet printed quite a good article about this meeting in their August 24, 2000 issue. There were also some earlier related articles in the Planet. For example, this article on trash pickup and store supply problems - 7/8/2000. Here is the Planet's reporting of the meeting between merchants, residents, and the city over those issues.
This Web site is currently supported by Jed Donnelley Jed Donnelley .