Traffic Calming: traffic calming - calque of German verkehrsberuhigung. A range of measures that reverse the "improvements" of the past decades that, in the name of safety, have actually resulted simply in greater vehicle speeds (and traffic noise), and the decline in walking and cycling, since higher speeds discriminate against these modes. A process in which lane widths are narrowed, "sight triangles" (which ensure a triangle of visibility for users to see "side traffic") reduced, speed humps used to "jar" drivers exceeding the speed limit, adding entranceways to residential areas, and convering through lanes at the curb to parking.
Hmmm. I think we are excluding at least speed bumps from our consideration of "traffic calming" measures (due to their negative impact on various people such as disabled drivers, bicyclists, etc.).
There are of course many more. If the above isn't enough for you, you might want to look yourself through Google's results from a search on "Traffic Calming".
Contact Jed Donnelley Jed Donnelley for comments/questions about this Web page.